Established with our NIH COBRE grant awarded in 2016, our HPIC offers services to all regional investigators.
Located on the Boise VA campus within our AAALAC-accredited research facility, this well-equipped, expertly staffed and fully functional research facility offers services, expertise, instrumentation and training for the preparation, imaging and evaluation of experimental tissues by basic and advanced histological and immuno-histochemical methods.
Our Director is Dr. Frederick Bauer, (retired Director and Chief Pathologist of the VA Medical Center's Clinical Laboratory) a board-certified Anatomic and Clinical pathologist who has studied cancer pathogenesis on the cellular and tissue levels over decades.
Services include:
Experimental design consultation
Processing, sectioning, and staining of frozen or fixed tissues and cells
Routine and advanced tissue staining, including immunohistochemistry
Quantitative immunohistochemistry
Comparative evaluation and scoring of tissues by board-certified Anatomical and Clinical Pathologist
Our Histology/Pathology Equipment
Thermo Scientific Excelsior AS tissue processor
Thermo Scientific Gemini AS Automated Slide Stainer
Zeiss AxioPhot fluorescent microscope with Excite 120 LED illumination system with BFP, GFP, DsRed and Texas Red filters
Zeiss Axiocam digital high-resolution monochrome and color cameras
IVIS Lumina XR In Vivo Imaging System
IonOptix single cell functional imaging system
Leica TCS SP8 laser confocal microscope
This shared resource is made possible by NIH Grant P20GM 109007 (National Institute of General Medical Sciences) and by support from the Boise VA Medical Center
NIH requires acknowledgement of our COBRE grant on any publications, presentations, posters, or any documentation that contains research funded partially or fully by COBRE in a manner such as this: “Research described in this [publication, presentation, etc.] was supported by National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under grant number P20GM 109007.